JOH Day 8 (Day 13) Austin, NV to Eureka, NV

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 @ 6:02PM

Total Time: 6:39.56(About 7.5. hours total)
Miles: 70
Avg Speed: 12.7 mph
Max Speed: 35.6 mph
Status: Completed

Waking up this morning, I was not feeling too great. I was still recovering from fatigue and heat exhaustion from yesterday???s ride. As the daily routine commended and I prepared to ride with my pace line, the ride did not seem right at all. It also did not help that the beginning if the ride all the cyclists began the ride on a steep hill for the first 3 miles. Those miles were killing me. My legs were not as loose as I would have liked them to be, my fatigue from yesterday was kicking in early, throat got really dry. Passing through the beginning was such a struggle and the pace line that I was in knew I was a better cyclist than today. This was practically the theme of my ride today. After hitting the crew van, I ate some food, drank more fluids and continued pushing.

There was a steady downhill that lasted a few miles but it did not help me too much because there was another hill that had a steady incline. Muscles were still not completely warmed up but I continued to pull through.

There was not a lot going on in the ride today except the fact there was a state trooper making a large mining truck pass through while my pace line was on a shoulder. When the tuck passed us, I felt like I was getting sucked in by the truck and that was a little scary.

The final 10 miles were still very tough and going up an incline with a headwind made everything extremely difficult. Upon entering Eureka, there was a steep downhill immediately followed by a steep uphill. Cycling to lodging became tough again and I had to endure the pain whenever I pedaled. Luckily, it was not as bad as yesterday???s trek. After unpacking my bags I explored the town. The town was similar to Austin but a little bigger (kind of similar to Hill Valley in BTTF 3). Setting foot in an environment like that really creeped me out though.

Later we are food with the Austin Lion???s club and heir food was great. They offered us spaghetti which was going to be important for tomorrow. Speaking of which, I need to drink more water to stay hydrated for tomorrow since I will be climbing 4 summits. I am not looking forward to this because my body does not feel too well. The best thing I can do is rest and wait for tomorrow???s ride.

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Categories: Journey of Hope, Philanthropy